Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Word

I thought it might be inspiring if our family had a word for the new year, something that might define us, guide us, challenge us in our choices and our journey.  So, I offered the idea to my clan.  I explained the  intent and their minds began to ponder the possibilities.  I threw some words of my own on the table to get us started - freedom, caring, love, friendship, generosity, hospitality.  They were not impressed.  After careful thought the boys seemed to catch on and offered their best idea.  The 15 year old led the charge - food. The 13 year old had a better idea - feast.  Someone said something about - eating.  They finally agreed on - buffet. They were pleased, buoyed in fact, by their insights. I'm re-thinking this idea. Maybe we don't need a word after all?